Out in the wild with school children

Forest Aid Ghana strongly believes that when school children are empowered with the conservation skills and training right from the onset, they can better steward their environment. School children (hereafter Citizen Scientists) in a community called Terchire in the Bono region of Ghana were engaged in a two-week workshop to learn and practice how scientific research is done out of the classroom environment.

During this workshop, they were trained on how to sample insects in their school compound and other forest areas. They were further trained on how to use the microscope to identify insect samples. An outreach program then followed this workshop by the Citizen Scientists on the importance of forest and the need to conserve them.

This program is part of the series of citizen science programs in the region organized by Forest Aid Ghana and funded by the Rufford Foundation (Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation)

Click here for detailed technical report 
By Damptey Frederick Gyasi

Posted in Uncategorized.

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